Tirol Atlas Archive

Schwoich (Tyrol) Wikipedia Link *
District: Kufstein
NUTS-3 area: Tiroler Unterland
Arms: None
Basic data
Population, 12/31/20132332
Area18.8 km²
Settled area8.3 km²
Overnight stays of tourists 2009/201014399
Fact sheets
Agriculture - Population - Tourism (time series) - Tourism (enterprises) - Sports facilities - Economy - Elections - Area
Natural environment
Satellite image (80x80km)
Altitude distribution (help)
potential sunshine duration january till december (3MB video - legend)
Corine Land Cover
topographic map
Bad Häring, Kirchbichl, Kufstein, Langkampfen, Scheffau am Wilden Kaiser, Söll
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Schwoich and neighbouring Bad Häring are situated on a gravel terrace of the Inn River, which stretches between Wörgl and Kufstein 150 m above the bottom of the valley. Numerous hamlets and isolated farmhouses characterize the village. Schwoich is a popular residential area, due to the fact that it is located away from the main roads and its proximity to Kufstein. New developments have led to a significant growth of the village within the last decades. In Eiberg, which also belongs to Schwoich, marl was mined from the mid - 19th century till only recently and was later processed in the cement factory in Eiberg.

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