Image collection »Deutschnonsberg«
The Deutschnonsberg consists of three communities: Unsere Liebe Frau imWalde-St. Felix, Proveis and Laurein. The name Deutschnonsberg refers to the Italian-German language border that is located nearby - to the south lies the Trentino with the Italian-speaking Nonsberg. It is difficult to reach the communities from South Tyrol. A few hotels and restaurants have been able to establish themselves in Unserer Liebe Frau im Walde, a place of pilgrimage. The mountain farms are able to survive with the help of additional income from private room rental and holiday apartments. From an agricultural point of view, the Deutschnonsberg differs from the neighbouring Nonsberg in the Southern Trentino: almost the entire area of Deutschnonsberg lies over 1000 m, therefore forests and meadowland dominate the scenery.