Population (End of the year 2005) |
502478 |
482650 |
Population change 1995-2005 |
+9.7% |
+7.6% |
Population density |
Inhabitants per km² 2005 |
81.0 |
65.2 |
Inhabitants per km² of permanent settled areas 2005 |
515.9 |
404.6 |
Age Structure |
population pyramid |
population pyramid |
Children and juveniles per 100 seniors 2005 |
81.8 |
102.6 |
Seniors per 100 adults 2005 |
22.1 |
20.0 |
Economic structure |
Percentage of agricultural jobs |
5.0% |
9.4% |
Percentage of industrial jobs |
30.1% |
25.8% |
Percentage of service-jobs |
64.8% |
64.8% |
Gross domestic product (GDP) |
GDP per capita (2002) |
26091€ |
32279€ |
GDP in power purchasing parities per capita (2002) |
27307 |
33783 |
Unemployment |
Unemployment rate (2005) |
3.6% |
2.7% |
Overnight stays (2005) |
13848755 |
25698308 |
Maximum of present persons in % of the resident population 2005 |
131.6% |
144.6% |