Datasheet NUTS-3 regions
Alpine Pastures in Eastern Styria, Fischbacher Alps (Image: Almenland, Foto: B. Bergmann)
Oststeiermark <> Bozen/Bolzano
Population (End of the year 2005) 268623 482650
Population change 1995-2005 +4.9% +7.6%
Population density
Inhabitants per km² 2005 80.1 65.2
Inhabitants per km² of permanent settled areas 2005 147.1 404.6
Age Structure population pyramid population pyramid
Children and juveniles per 100 seniors 2005 94.6 102.6
Seniors per 100 adults 2005 20.5 20.0
Economic structure
Percentage of agricultural jobs 13.0% 9.4%
Percentage of industrial jobs 34.3% 25.8%
Percentage of service-jobs 52.7% 64.8%
Gross domestic product (GDP)
GDP per capita (2002) 17799€ 32279€
GDP in power purchasing parities per capita (2002) 16854 33783
Unemployment rate (2005) 3.7% 2.7%
Overnight stays (2005) 2755200 25698308
Maximum of present persons in % of the resident population 2005 108.2% 144.6%